Results for 'Iris Vidmar Jovanović'

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  1. O vrijednosti i bezvrijednosti humanističkih nauka: Poučci Helen Small.Iris Vidmar - 2016 - Култура (153):167-182.
    One of the most contentious question in today’s discussions on the educational policies concerns the role and values of the humanities in contemporary society and education. Many see the humanities as empty, unnecessary, inefficient, phony and worthless. This paper offers a rundown of arguments adduced to support this view, followed by an overview of Helen Small’s The Value of the Humanities, which offers an exceptionally critical and insightful analysis into the current debate over the value of the humanities. The paper (...)
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  2. Technik, Gelassenheit und Polemos.Rastko Jovanov & Wolfgang Keck - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (4):283-295.
    In diesem Aufsatz wird das Verhältnis zwischen den Begriffen Gelassenheit und πόλεμοσ, von Heidegger als „Auseinanderset- zung“ übersetzt und aufgefasst, untersucht. Der Betrachtung liegt dabei die Frage zu Grunde, ob der späte Heidegger sich mit den Begriffen Gestell und Gelassenheit überhaupt noch im Sinne grundlegender Gestalten der mensch- lichen Lebensweise auseinandersetzt, so wie er es in den 30er Jahren tat und behauptete. Weitergehend wird die Beziehung des Begriffs der Gleichförmig- keit, verstanden als eine Folge der technischen Herrschaft über die Erde, (...)
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  3. Preispitivanje pojma međunarodnog prava – o metodološkim aspektima.Miodrag Jovanović - 2014 - Revus 22:121-144.
    Ovaj rad se bavi metodološkim aspektima obnovljenih pravno-filozofskih nastojanja da se preispita pojam međunarodnog prava. Posle kratkog osvrta na istoriju pravne filozofije i ključne tačke Hartovog i Kelzenovog pozitivističkog stanovišta, u radu se dalje ispituje na koji način se savremene pravne teorije, kako u pozitivističkoj, tako i u ne-pozitivističkoj tradiciji, bave međunarodnim pravom. Poslednji deo rada predstavlja pokušaj da se skiciraju određene smernice za novi početak u filozofskoj obradi međunarodnog prava. Prvo, istorija rasprava u ovoj oblasti svedoči o tome da (...)
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  4. Geoethische Neuorientierung des Menschen beim späten Kant.Rastko Jovanov - 2014 - Prolegomena 13 (1):45-58.
    In dieser Arbeit werde ich versuchen zu zeigen, dass die Frage nach der Natur der Erde, die eine der ersten Fragen des frühen Kants ist, sowohl in der Kritik der Urteilskraft, als auch in dem schriftlichen Nachlass , wieder zum Zentrum seines philosophischen Denkens kommt. Der späte Kant verbindet diese Frage streng mit dem Prinzip subjektiver Zweckmäßigkeit und kritisiert im Opus postumum, insbesondere im Anschluss an den Übergang von den metaphysischen Anfangsgründen der Naturwissenschaft zur Physik, die übliche Erdauffassung als den (...)
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  5. Throwing Like a Girl and Other Essays in Feminist Philosophy and Social Theory.Iris Marion Young - 1990
    Feminist social theory and female body experience are the twin themes of Iris Marion Young's twelve outstanding essays written over the past decade and brought together here. Her contributions to social theory raise critical questions about women and citizenship, the relations of capitalism and women's oppression, and the differences between a feminist theory that emphasizes women's difference and one that assumes a gender-neutral humanity. Loosely following a phenomenological method of description, Young's essays on female embodiment discuss female movement, pregnancy, (...)
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  6. Das Leben als Dokument. Die Genealogie des registrierten Lebens als biopolitische Institution.Rastko Jovanov - 2015 - In Politiken des Lebens. Technik, Moral und Recht als institutionelle Gestalten der menschlichen Lebensform. IFDT.
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  7. Politiken des Lebens. Technik, Moral und Recht als institutionelle Gestalten der menschlichen Lebensform.Rastko Jovanov (ed.) - 2015 - IFDT.
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  8. Gender as Seriality: Thinking about Women as a Social Collective.Iris Marion Young - 1994 - Signs 19 (3):713-738.
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  9. What does Sublation of Moral Consciousness Mean for the Philosophical Practice? On Institutional Dimension of Therapy in Hegel’s Philosophy.Rastko Jovanov - 2015 - In Lydia Amir Aleksandar Fatić, Practicing Philosophy. Cambridge Scholars Press.
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  10. Computational Thought Experiments for a More Rigorous Philosophy and Science of the Mind.Iris Oved, Nikhil Krishnaswamy, James Pustejovsky & Joshua Hartshorne - 2024 - In Larissa Samuelson, Stefan Frank, Mariya Toneva, Allyson Mackey & Eliot Hazeltine, Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 601-609.
    We offer philosophical motivations for a method we call Virtual World Cognitive Science (VW CogSci), in which researchers use virtual embodied agents that are embedded in virtual worlds to explore questions in the field of Cognitive Science. We focus on questions about mental and linguistic representation and the ways that such computational modeling can add rigor to philosophical thought experiments, as well as the terminology used in the scientific study of such representations. We find that this method forces researchers to (...)
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  11. Phänomenologische Ontologie des Sozialen.Rastko Jovanov (ed.) - 2015 - IFDT.
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  12. Rational analysis, intractability, and the prospects of ‘as if’-explanations.Iris van Rooij, Johan Kwisthout, Todd Wareham & Cory Wright - 2018 - Synthese 195 (2):491-510.
    Despite their success in describing and predicting cognitive behavior, the plausibility of so-called ‘rational explanations’ is often contested on the grounds of computational intractability. Several cognitive scientists have argued that such intractability is an orthogonal pseudoproblem, however, since rational explanations account for the ‘why’ of cognition but are agnostic about the ‘how’. Their central premise is that humans do not actually perform the rational calculations posited by their models, but only act as if they do. Whether or not the problem (...)
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  13. Bruner's lectures: Cultural psychology in statu nascendi.Gordana Jovanovic & William Woodward - 2018 - In Gordana Jovanović, Lars Allolio-Näcke & Carl Ratner, The Challenges of Cultural Psychology: Historical Legacies and Future Responsibilities. Routledge.
    I propose to take a more proximate and micro-contextual approach to the history of cultural psychology, by focusing on the 1960s. In this historical snapshot, Jerome Bruner emerges as a consummate experimental scientist, organizer of scientific knowledge, and entrepreneur in education. Looking ahead, his work continued to evolve: from perceptual readiness and values in perception (1950s) to thinking and educational psychology (1960s). Then came developmental psychology and spiral curriculum (1970s), language as social interaction (1980s), the narrative turn to meaning (1990s), (...)
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  14. Crises, thought experiments and fiction: moral intuitions between theory and practice.Monika Jovanović - 2021 - In Nenad Cekić, Етика и истина у доба кризе. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philosophy. pp. 271-282.
    In this paper I examine how ethics can help us solve the morally relevant problems that arise in crisis situations by distinguishing theoretical from extra-theoretical approach to moral phenomena. I begin by asking how a crisis can be the topic of philosophical examination, subsequently narrowing down the question to ethics. From the perspective of this philosophical discipline, a crisis could be approached in two ways: by applying general theories, such as Kant’s deontology or utilitarianism, to different crisis situations, or by (...)
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  15. Moral Motivation for Future Generations, Naturally.Jing Iris Hu - 2024 - In Matthias Fritsch, Hiroshi Abe & Wenning Mario, Intercultural Philosophy and Environmental Justice between Generations. Cambridge University Press.
    This chapter advocates for a naturalistic ethical framework that bases normative components in basic human functions, such as emotions, as an effective approach to address intergenerational ethics questions. Using Mencius’s ethical framework as an example, which establishes emotional pivot points to incorporate others’ concerns and worries into moral deliberation, the chapter argues that this approach provides significant theoretical advantages over frameworks that rely on a familial-role-based relational understanding of Confucian ethics and moral cultivation through rituals. The chapter also highlights the (...)
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  16. Contemporary populism and its political consequences: Discourses and practices in central and south-eastern europe belgrade, 12-13 december 2019.Maja Vasiljevic & Nataša Jovanović Ajzenhamer - unknown
    Populism in Central-Eastern Europe and South-Eastern Europe has been framed through theoretical ideas and expectations based on West European experience. However, the region’s experience of populist politics has diverged from that of Western Europe in important ways. In older West European democracies, the most typical vehicle for populism are, for the moment, new or previously marginal illiberal challenger parties which confront an essentially liberal, non-populist mainstream. In Central-Eastern Europe and South-Eastern Europe, it is the “mainstream” which is or has become (...)
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  17. Intractability and the use of heuristics in psychological explanations.Iris van Rooij, Cory Wright & Todd Wareham - 2012 - Synthese 187 (2):471-487.
    Many cognitive scientists, having discovered that some computational-level characterization f of a cognitive capacity φ is intractable, invoke heuristics as algorithmic-level explanations of how cognizers compute f. We argue that such explanations are actually dysfunctional, and rebut five possible objections. We then propose computational-level theory revision as a principled and workable alternative.
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  18. This is about face --A Study of Internalization and Shame.Jing Iris Hu & Balam Kenter - manuscript
    Is shame an accomplice of external oppressive values or an introspective emotion that reveals one’s true moral character? We track these conflicting intuitions about shame and argue that they point to several understudied social features of shame. We then lay out a more nuanced and inclusive view of shame that accounts for meaningful life-long interactions between self and community. This view emphasizes both personal agency in navigating shame-related experiences and the social challenges to such agency, namely the social structures and (...)
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  19. Justice and empowerment through digital health: ethical challenges and opportunities.Philip J. Nickel, Iris Loosman, Lily Frank & Anna Vinnikova - 2023 - Digital Society 2.
    The proposition that digital innovations can put people in charge of their health has been accompanied by prolific talk of empowerment. In this paper we consider ethical challenges and opportunities of trying to achieve justice and empowerment using digital health initiatives. The language of empowerment can misleadingly suggest that by using technology, people can control their health and take responsibility for health outcomes to a greater degree than is realistic or fair. Also, digital health empowerment often primarily reaches people who (...)
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  20. Shame, Vulnerability, and Change.Jing Iris Hu - 2022 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 8 (2):373-390.
    Shame is frequently viewed as a destructive emotion; but it can also be understood in terms of change and growth. This essay highlights the problematic values that cause pervasive and frequent shame and the importance of resisting and changing these values. Using Confucian insights, I situate shame in an interactive process between the individual's values and that of their society, thus, being vulnerable to shame represents both one's connection to a community and an openness to others’ negative feedback. This process (...)
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  21. 50 preguntas sobre tecnologías para un envejecimiento activo y saludable. Edición española.Francisco Florez-Revuelta, Alin Ake-Kob, Pau Climent-Perez, Paulo Coelho, Liane Colonna, Laila Dahabiyeh, Carina Dantas, Esra Dogru-Huzmeli, Hazım Kemal Ekenel, Aleksandar Jevremovic, Nina Hosseini-Kivanani, Aysegul Ilgaz, Mladjan Jovanovic, Andrzej Klimczuk, Maksymilian M. Kuźmicz, Petre Lameski, Ferlanda Luna, Natália Machado, Tamara Mujirishvili, Zada Pajalic, Galidiya Petrova, Nathalie G. S. Puaschitz, Maria Jose Santofimia, Agusti Solanas, Wilhelmina van Staalduinen & Ziya Ata Yazici - 2024 - Alicante: University of Alicante.
    Este manual sobre tecnologías para un envejecimiento activo y saludable, también conocido como Vida Asistida Activa (Active Assisted Living – AAL en sus siglas en inglés), ha sido creado como parte de la Acción COST GoodBrother, que se ha llevado a cabo desde 2020 hasta 2024. Las Acciones COST son programas de investigación europeos que promueven la colaboración internacional, uniendo a investigadores, profesionales e instituciones para abordar desafíos sociales importantes. GoodBrother se ha centrado en las cuestiones éticas y de privacidad (...)
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  22. Employment, Employability and Competencies of the Bachelor of Secondary Education Graduates.Manuel Caingcoy, Iris April Ramirez, Derren Gaylo, Ma Isidora Adajar, Elvie Lacdag & Gem Aiah Blanco - 2021 - Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI) 12 (6):872-884.
    Tracing graduates has become an imperative for higher education institutions much more during the pandemic. This tracer determined the employment and employability status of the 2019 BSE graduates and identified the competencies they adequately acquired and deemed vital for work. It used descriptive design, and data were collected from the 103 graduates through a google form with open and closed-ended questions administered between November and December 2020. Results revealed that most of the graduates had been employed in teaching and teaching-related (...)
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    Digital health empowerment, autonomy, and the capability approach: reply to de Proost and Grey.Philip J. Nickel, Iris Loosman, Lily Frank & Anna Vinnikova - 2024 - Digital Society 3.
    De Proost & Grey criticize Nickel et al.’s article “Justice and empowerment through digital health: ethical challenges and opportunities,” arguing that it should have embraced relational autonomy and capability approaches. We distinguish two variants of this critique, one saying that a view of digital health empowerment should welcome these approaches, and one saying that a view of digital health empowerment should essentially be defined in terms of these approaches. We are somewhat open to the first variant: relational autonomy and the (...)
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  24. State of the Art of Audio- and Video-Based Solutions for AAL.Slavisa Aleksic, Michael Atanasov, Jean Calleja Agius, Kenneth Camilleri, Anto Cartolovni, Pau Climent-Perez, Sara Colantonio, Stefania Cristina, Vladimir Despotovic, Hazim Kemal Ekenel, Ekrem Erakin, Francisco Florez-Revuelta, Danila Germanese, Nicole Grech, Steinunn Gróa Sigurđardóttir, Murat Emirzeoglu, Ivo Iliev, Mladjan Jovanovic, Martin Kampel, William Kearns, Andrzej Klimczuk, Lambros Lambrinos, Jennifer Lumetzberger, Wiktor Mucha, Sophie Noiret, Zada Pajalic, Rodrigo Rodriguez Perez, Galidiya Petrova, Sintija Petrovica, Peter Pocta, Angelica Poli, Mara Pudane, Susanna Spinsante, Albert Ali Salah, Maria Jose Santofimia, Anna Sigríđur Islind, Lacramioara Stoicu-Tivadar, Hilda Tellioglu & Andrej Zgank - 2022 - Alicante: University of Alicante.
    It is a matter of fact that Europe is facing more and more crucial challenges regarding health and social care due to the demographic change and the current economic context. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has stressed this situation even further, thus highlighting the need for taking action. Active and Assisted Living technologies come as a viable approach to help facing these challenges, thanks to the high potential they have in enabling remote care and support. Broadly speaking, AAL can be referred (...)
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  25. The Incoherence of Heuristically Explaining Coherence.Iris van Rooij & Cory Wright - 2006 - In Ron Sun & Naomi Miyake, Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. CPC Press. pp. 2622.
    Advancement in cognitive science depends, in part, on doing some occasional ‘theoretical housekeeping’. We highlight some conceptual confusions lurking in an important attempt at explaining the human capacity for rational or coherent thought: Thagard & Verbeurgt’s computational-level model of humans’ capacity for making reasonable and truth-conducive abductive inferences (1998; Thagard, 2000). Thagard & Verbeurgt’s model assumes that humans make such inferences by computing a coherence function (f_coh), which takes as input representation networks and their pair-wise constraints and gives as output (...)
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  26. Reclaiming AI as a Theoretical Tool for Cognitive Science.Iris van Rooij, Olivia Guest, Federico Adolfi, Ronald de Haan, Antonina Kolokolova & Patricia Rich - 2024 - Computational Brain and Behavior 7:616–636.
    The idea that human cognition is, or can be understood as, a form of computation is a useful conceptual tool for cognitive science. It was a foundational assumption during the birth of cognitive science as a multidisciplinary field, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) as one of its contributing fields. One conception of AI in this context is as a provider of computational tools (frameworks, concepts, formalisms, models, proofs, simulations, etc.) that support theory building in cognitive science. The contemporary field of AI, (...)
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  27. 50 questions on Active Assisted Living technologies. Global edition.Francisco Florez-Revuelta, Alin Ake-Kob, Pau Climent-Perez, Paulo Coelho, Liane Colonna, Laila Dahabiyeh, Carina Dantas, Esra Dogru-Huzmeli, Hazim Kemal Ekenel, Aleksandar Jevremovic, Nina Hosseini-Kivanani, Aysegul Ilgaz, Mladjan Jovanovic, Andrzej Klimczuk, Maksymilian M. Kuźmicz, Petre Lameski, Ferlanda Luna, Natália Machado, Tamara Mujirishvili, Zada Pajalic, Galidiya Petrova, Nathalie G. S. Puaschitz, Maria Jose Santofimia, Agusti Solanas, Wilhelmina van Staalduinen & Ziya Ata Yazici - 2024 - Alicante: University of Alicante.
    This booklet on Active Assisted Living (AAL) technologies has been created as part of the GoodBrother COST Action, which has run from 2020 to 2024. COST Actions are European research programs that promote collaboration across borders, uniting researchers, professionals, and institutions to address key societal challenges. GoodBrother focused on ethical and privacy concerns surrounding video and audio monitoring in care settings. The aim was to ensure that while AAL technologies help older adults and vulnerable individuals, their privacy and data protection (...)
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  28. Diffraction & Reading Diffractively.Evelien Geerts & Iris van der Tuin - 2021 - Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research 1 (2).
    This short essay presents a critical cartography of the critical new materialist notion and methodology of diffraction.
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  29. “Just” accuracy? Procedural fairness demands explainability in AI‑based medical resource allocation.Jon Rueda, Janet Delgado Rodríguez, Iris Parra Jounou, Joaquín Hortal-Carmona, Txetxu Ausín & David Rodríguez-Arias - 2022 - AI and Society:1-12.
    The increasing application of artificial intelligence (AI) to healthcare raises both hope and ethical concerns. Some advanced machine learning methods provide accurate clinical predictions at the expense of a significant lack of explainability. Alex John London has defended that accuracy is a more important value than explainability in AI medicine. In this article, we locate the trade-off between accurate performance and explainable algorithms in the context of distributive justice. We acknowledge that accuracy is cardinal from outcome-oriented justice because it helps (...)
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  30. From intersectionality to interference: Feminist onto-epistemological reflections on the politics of representation.Evelien Geerts & Iris van der Tuin - 2013 - Women's Studies International Forum 3 (41).
    This article reviews the debate on ‘intersectionality’ as the dominant approach in gender studies, with an emphasis on the politics of representation. The debate on intersectionality officially began in the late 1980s, though the approach can be traced back to the institutionalization of women's studies in the 1970s and the feminist movement of the 1960s. Black and lesbian feminists have long advocated hyphenated identities to be the backbone of feminist thought. But in recent years, intersectionality has sustained criticism from numerous (...)
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  31. Solar radiation modification is risky, but so is rejecting it: a call for balanced research.Claudia Wieners, Benjamin P. Hofbauer, Iris de Vries, Matthias Honegger, Daniele Visioni, Hermann Russchenberg & Tyler Felgenhauer - 2023 - Oxford Open Climate Change 3 (1).
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  32. Assessing Practice Teachers’ Culturally Responsive Teaching: The Role of Gender and Degree Programs in Competence Development.Manuel Caingcoy, Vivian Irish Lorenzo, Iris April Ramirez, Catherine Libertad, Romeo Pabiona Jr & Ruffie Marie Mier - 2022 - Iafor Journal of Cultural Studies 7 (1):21-35.
    Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) weaves together rigor and relevance while it improves student achievement and engagement. The Philippine Department of Education implemented Indigenous People’s education to respond to the demands for culturally responsive teaching. Teacher education graduates are expected to articulate the rootedness of education in sociocultural contexts in creating a learning environment that recognizes respect, connectedness, choice, personal relevance, challenges, engagement, authenticity, and effectiveness. Practice teachers need relevant exposure and immersion to fully develop their competence in CRT. This scenario (...)
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  33. The Feminist Futures of Reading Diffractively: How Barad's Methodology Replaces Conflict-based Readings of Beauvoir and Irigaray.Evelien Geerts & Iris van der Tuin - 2016 - Rhizomes 30 (1).
    Quantum leaps happen in texts, too. This reading of the role of the quantum leap in Karen Barad's agential realism is necessary, because arguing that the diffractive reading strategy proposed by Barad's ethico-onto-epistemology mirrors the physical phenomenon of diffraction would indeed be representationalist. Reviewing how Barad—in her own oeuvre—has transformed diffraction into an innovative reading methodology that could not only potentially challenge the epistemological underpinnings of the canonization process that is at work in feminist theory, but could also radically change (...)
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  34. Ethical assessments and mitigation strategies for biases in AI-systems used during the COVID-19 pandemic.Alicia De Manuel, Janet Delgado, Parra Jonou Iris, Txetxu Ausín, David Casacuberta, Maite Cruz Piqueras, Ariel Guersenzvaig, Cristian Moyano, David Rodríguez-Arias, Jon Rueda & Angel Puyol - 2023 - Big Data and Society 10 (1).
    The main aim of this article is to reflect on the impact of biases related to artificial intelligence (AI) systems developed to tackle issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, with special focus on those developed for triage and risk prediction. A secondary aim is to review assessment tools that have been developed to prevent biases in AI systems. In addition, we provide a conceptual clarification for some terms related to biases in this particular context. We focus mainly on nonracial biases (...)
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  35. Young Schoolchildren’s Epistemic Development: A Longitudinal Qualitative Study.Michael Weinstock, Vardit Israel, Hadas Fisher Cohen, Iris Tabak & Yifat Harari - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    How children seek knowledge and evaluate claims may depend on their understanding of the source of knowledge. What shifts in their understandings about why scientists might disagree and how claims about the state of the world are justified? Until about the age of 41/2, knowledge is seen as self-evident. Children believe that knowledge of reality comes directly through our senses and what others tell us. They appeal to these external sources in order to know. The attainment of Theory of Mind (...)
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  36. Dance as Portrayed in the Media.Ishtiyaque Haji, Stefaan E. Cuypers, Yannick Joye, S. K. Wertz, Estelle R. Jorgensen, Iris M. Yob, Jeffrey Wattles, Sabrina D. Misirhiralall, Eric C. Mullis & Seth Lerer - 2013 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 47 (3):72-95.
    This article attempts to answer a question that many dancers and non-dancers may have. What is dance according to the media? Furthermore, how does the written word portray dance in the media? To answer these ques-tions, this research focuses on the role that the discourse of dance in media plays in the public sphere’s knowledge construction of dance. This is impor-tant to study because the public sphere’s meaning of dance will determine whether dance education is promoted or banned in schools (...)
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    Iris Murdoch: Love as Just Attention.T. Raja Rosenhagen - 2023 - In Clancy Martin & H. Hay, Philosophy of Love and Sex. pp. 57-64.
    This paper provides a brief overview of Iris Murdoch's central notion of love as just attention, introduces the reader to a few contemporary debates around her account, and shows that for Murdoch, love is not opposed to morality, but at its heart.
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  38. Iris Murdoch’s Practical Metaphysics: A Guide to her Early Writings.Lesley Jamieson - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This book explores Iris Murdoch as a philosopher who, through her distinctive methodology, exploits the advantages of having a mind on the borders of literature and politics in her early career writings (pre-The Sovereignty of Good). By focusing on a single decade of Murdoch’s early career, Jamieson tracks connections between her views on the state of literature and politics in postwar Britain and her approach to the philosophy of mind and moral philosophy. Furthermore, this close study reveals that, far (...)
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  39. Iris Murdoch: Moral Vision.Anil Gomes - 2022 - In Silvia Caprioglio Panizza & Mark Hopwood, The Murdochian Mind. New York, NY: Routledge.
    In the essays which make up The Sovereignty of Good, Iris Murdoch gives us a picture of moral life in which ‘the metaphor of vision [is] almost irresistibly suggested’. This chapter aims to clarify the role played by the metaphor of vision in Murdoch’s philosophical thinking. I’ll examine two different things which might be meant by the term ‘moral vision’: vision of moral things or vision which is itself moral. The suggestion will be that whilst both capture something important (...)
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  40. Iris Murdoch, privacy, and the limits of moral testimony.Cathy Mason - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (3):1125-1134.
    Recent discussions of moral testimony have focused on the acceptability of forming beliefs on the basis of moral testimony, but there has been little acknowledgement of the limits to testimony's capacity to convey moral knowledge. In this paper I outline one such limit, drawing on Iris Murdoch's conception of private moral concepts. Such concepts, I suggest, plausibly play an important role in moral thought, and yet moral knowledge expressed in them cannot be testimonially acquired.
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  41. Iris Murdoch on Art, Ethics, and Attention.Anil Gomes - 2013 - British Journal of Aesthetics 53 (3):321-337.
    Can the experience of great art play a role in our coming to understand the ethical framework of another person? In this article I draw out three themes from Iris Murdoch’s ‘The Sovereignty of Good’ in order to show the role that communal attention to works of art can play in our ethical lives. I situate this role in the context of Murdoch’s wider philosophical views.
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  42. Iris Murdoch and the Epistemic Significance of Love.Cathy Mason - 2021 - In Simon Cushing, New Philosophical Essays on Love and Loving. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 39-62.
    Murdoch makes some ambitious claims about love’s epistemic significance which can initially seem puzzling in the light of its heterogeneous and messy everyday manifestations. I provide an interpretation of Murdochian love such that Murdoch’s claims about its epistemic significance can be understood. I argue that Murdoch conceives of love as a virtue, and as belonging at the pinnacle of the hierarchy of the virtues, and that this makes sense of the epistemic role Murdochian love fulfills. Moreover, I suggest that there (...)
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  43. Krigstidskvartetten: Mary Midgley, Iris Murdoch, Getrude Anscombe og Philippa Foot.Hannah Winther - 2021 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 56 (4):154-165.
    Mary Midgley, Iris Murdoch, Gertrude Anscombe and Philippa Foot studied together in Oxford during the war, at a time when most of the men had left the university, leaving it to them for themselves. These unique circumstances where decisive for the fact that they all went on to become successful philosophers and were able to develop their own original philosophical theories, opposing the philosophical dogmas of their time, Midgley later wrote. This claim is the point of departure for this (...)
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  44. Love's realism: Iris Murdoch and the importance of being human.Lesley Jamieson - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (4):1204-1220.
    Defenders of two Rationality Views of love—the Qualities View and the Personhood View—have drawn on Iris Murdoch's philosophical writings to highlight a connection between love and a “realistic” perspective on the beloved. Murdoch does not inform the basic structure of these views—she is rather introduced as a supplement who shows that in love, we pay accurate, nuanced, unguarded, and unflinching attention to the other. In this paper, I contend that these authors have failed to see that Murdoch offers a (...)
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  45. Iris Murdoch’s The Bell: Tragedy, Love, and Religion.Kenneth Masong - 2008 - Kritike 2 (1):11-30.
    The novel begins as follows:"Dora Greenfield left her husband because she was afraid of him. She decided six months later to return to him for the same reason. The absent Paul, haunting her with letters and telephone bells and imagined footsteps on the stairs had begun to be the greater torment. Dora suffered from guilt, and with guilt came fear. She decided at last that the persecution of his presence was to be preferred to the persecution of his absence."Murdoch's novel (...)
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  46. Iris Murdoch on moral vision.Sasha Lawson-Frost & Samuel Cooper - 2021 - Think 20 (59):63-76.
    Iris Murdoch was a philosopher and novelist who wrote extensively on the themes of love, goodness, religion, and morality. In this article, we explore her notion of ‘moral vision’; the idea that morality is not just about how we act and make choices, but how we see the world in a much broader sense.
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  47. Iris Murdoch and the power of love.Anil Gomes - 2019 - TLS.
    Anil Gomes considers Murdoch's view that morality is real and that, with the right conceptual resources, we can perceive it.
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  48. Iris Murdoch: Trust in the World.S. Caprioglio Panizza - 2023 - In Mark Alfano, David Collins & Iris Jovanovic, Perspectives on Trust in the History of Philosophy. Lanham: Lexington.
    If Annette Baier is right that ‘some degree of trust is … the very basis of morality” (Baier 2004, 180) , it is surprising that a philosopher so interested in moral psychology and interpersonal relationships such as Iris Murdoch does not explicitly discuss trust in her work. However, on closer inspection, Murdoch’s proposal of an ethics focused on realism, unselfing and attention crucially depends upon the possibility of trust – trust in reality, and in one’s own capacity for moral (...)
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  49. Paradox and discovery: Iris Murdoch, John Wisdom, and the practice of linguistic philosophy.Lesley Jamieson - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (4):982-995.
    This article argues that Iris Murdoch, who was supervised by John Wisdom during her 1947–48 fellowship at Newnham College Cambridge, went on to practice philosophy in a recognizably Wisdomian manner in her earliest paper, “Thinking and Language” (1951). To do so, I first describe how Wisdom understood philosophical perplexity and paradox. One task that linguistic philosophers should take up is to investigate the concrete cases that give paradoxical philosophical statements their sense and to sift the truth they contain from (...)
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  50. Images of Reality: Iris Murdoch's Five Ways From Art to Religion.Elizabeth Burns - 2015 - Religions 6 (3):875-890.
    Art plays a significant role in Iris Murdoch’s moral philosophy, a major part of which may be interpreted as a proposal for the revision of religious belief. In this paper, I identify within Murdoch’s philosophical writings five distinct but related ways in which great art can assist moral/religious belief and practice: art can reveal to us “the world as we were never able so clearly to see it before”; this revelatory capacity provides us with evidence for the existence of (...)
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